Current global climate trends are transforming the Northern Sea Route (NSR) into a year-round global transport and logistic corridor. Expected expansion of traffic including various dangerous goods may cause potential environmental impact on the Arctic marine and coastal environment putting additional pressures on fragile Arctic ecosystem amplifying climate change impacts. This will require adequate control management measures to prevent, reduce and mitigate impacts to ensure environmental safety of shipping operations to support sustainability of the Arctic development. To be effective this will require new regulatory frameworks, management instruments, including environmental monitoring, innovative technological solutions, as well as the effective interaction between authorities, business and the expert community.
Moderator: - Dr. Alexander Shestakov, Chief Expert, Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center LLC
Speakers:- Halldor Johannsson, Director, Artcic Portal
- Paul Fuhs, President, Marine Exchange of Alaska, USA
- Alexey Skorina, Marine Research Center of Moscow State University, Russia
- IMO representative (TBC)
- Elena Gershelis, Sirius University, Russia